Diwali Celebration!!

On Saturday November 10th, Guria’s Non-Formal Education center in Shivdaspur hosted a Diwali celebration for the children in the area and visitors. The children were split into two teams, one team in charge of decorating the new building (Kabir House), and the other in charge of decorating the old building (Sahid Bhagat House). They spent the week leading up to the celebration decorating their respective buildings with streamers, signs, drawings, dias, clay, rangoli art, and paper chains. Both teams did a fantastic job. By November 10th, the buildings were covered in colorful decorations, and lit up by dias. The children had a great time preparing their buildings for the celebration and competing with one another for “best building.” 

Visitors from India and abroad attended the event at the Non-Formal Education center. The children of both buildings proudly showed the visitors their work. After a week of preparation, Sahid Bhagat House and Kabir House were beautifully decorated and completely lit up by dias. The children and guests watched a large fireworks display from the roof of Kabir House, and afterwards enjoyed dinner together.


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