53 Bonded Labourers Rescued!

Guria rescued 53 PEOPLE from SLAVERY in a brick kiln in Varanasi on March 11th. Guria hosted them at our office to recover before they could return home, and here are some pictures of them cooking! (We cannot show their faces.)

We have an ambitious goal to rescue 1000 victims of human trafficking in 2015. So far this year we have rescued 253!

However, we are running into a financial crisis. Daily, new people (escaped bonded labourers, family members of the enslaved, etc) are arriving at Guria asking for rescue operations! We are not the sort of organization that will turn down these people, so the team is working around the clock and we are in *serious* need of donations to fund our growing number of rescue operations.

Please visit https://www.justgiving.com/guriauk to give whatever you can--your money is truly saving victims of modern-day slavery!


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