57 Bonded Labours Rescued in District of Maharajganj

On 21st march 2016 Guria rescued 57 bonded labours of chhattisgarh state from the district of maharajganj in uttar pradesh( from the Indo-Nepal border).Since the labour department did not cooperate, the district magistrate was kind enough to take the matter into his own hands and get the statements recorded in his supervision.
‪#‎humanrights‬ ‪#‎humantrafficking‬ ‪#‎slavery‬ ‪#‎freedomnow‬ ‪#‎Guria‬ ‪#‎justice‬‪#‎bondedlabour‬ ‪#‎forcedlabour‬ ‪#‎rescue‬


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