South Texas College screens "Specks of Dust"

Today, South Texas College screened "Specks of Dust" at their Human Trafficking Conference. The film was followed by a Q&A session with Ajeet Singh over Skype. Artworks were also on display for the FREEDOM NOW Global Art Exchange and Exhibit.
#‎humanrights‬ ‪#‎humantrafficking‬ ‪#‎slavery‬ ‪#‎freedomnow‬ ‪#‎Guria‬ ‪#‎justice‬‪#‎rape‬ ‪#‎sextrafficking‬ ‪#‎sexslavery‬ ‪#‎childprostitution‬ ‪#‎specksofdust‬ ‪#‎art‬


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