A national record : 61 brothels seized worth over INR 120 carores($ 182 million).
GURIA simultaneously wrote an application to the district administration and filed a PIL in the honourable high court to rescue minor trafficked girls from the Allahabad red light area in north india. On the request of the district administration GURIA officially submitted the details of recce operation, rescue map, spy cam video clips, photographs, plan of action, criminal histories of traffickers, identified brothels, list of traffickers etc which was then again submitted by the administration to the honourable chief justice of high court. Fourteen team leaders of GURIA lead the police teams for rescue and 12 lady counselors counseled the victims. We rescued 134 victims from the indian states of Karnataka, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Nepal. 48 brothel keepers/traffickers were also arrested.
We worked undercover for over one year to collect evidence and later discarding all the threats we ensured to become prime witness of the rescue operation to ensure convictions as usual.This whole effort was in the continuation of guria's rescue earlier in Allahabad redlight area in 2009. The district magistrate clearly has only authorized GURIA for counseling, home verification, restoration and rehabilitation of the victims. As per our successful innovations GURIA has already begun opposing the bail applications of all the dangerous human traffickers.


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